hello and i love science and some of you may hate science tand math but theres is no fortnite no mineraft pokemonso know you warship the science gods of our eveyday life its time sor all of you to gety involed in things that will help the earth warming which is kill the humans that we know it so please get of the chair or whatever you may be and do something that will help us
so i will stat with math that backbone of all things science like chemistey bioalgy and physics you will see math or numbers examples are pi moles phi sqaure root of 2 and chemhical formulas and 2+2 is 4-1 is 3 quick math and E=mc^2 e^x and many more but there are eveywhere and th makes me think what if the world had a bacalor degree and still loved everything that hey love.
Math is the all bases of science because math can help understand phics then chemistry then biology and that is how every field end is a new begining for a new field and that is the cool thing science for an example the quanton field and atoms atoms are a part of physics and the start of chemistry which is really cool.
so that you may like science you are the new future for all of us so make it a better place may be that nerd that gets bullied may be a a billinare and you also help and now you are a billionare for helping so alway love science because it will help you in the future.